No one should be forced to live in deplorable, hazardous conditions due to a negligent landlord ignoring serious habitability issues in a rental unit.
As a tenant in Victorville, you are entitled to a livable, sanitary home under California’s Warranty of Habitability and other housing laws.
When landlords fail to address issues like lack of utilities, pest infestations, water leaks, or other defects that make a unit uninhabitable, they are violating your basic housing rights.
There are numerous potential defects and health/safety hazards that can render an apartment uninhabitable, including:
Some examples could include having no heat or running water for days, large areas of black mold from leaks throughout the unit, a severe cockroach infestation, or sections of floors/ceilings collapsing from structural damage.
When landlords are made aware of serious habitability violations but fail to remedy them within a reasonable time frame (generally 30 days), tenants in Victorville can pursue the following:
An experienced uninhabitable apartment lawyer like Arie Shamuilian can evaluate your situation, document all habitability violations, advise you of your rights under California law, and take legal action against the landlord.
This may include sending demand notices, negotiating settlements, filing civil lawsuits, and representing you in court if needed.
Don’t allow yourself or your family to be subjected to dangerous, uninhabitable conditions.
If you’re a renter in Victorville dealing with an unlivable apartment, call 951-944-2292 to get a free, confidential consultation on your case.