Is Your Rental Unit in Upland Legally Uninhabitable? Call Attorney Arie Shamuilian for help!
As a tenant renting an apartment or housing unit in Upland, you are entitled to a livable home that meets minimum standards for habitability under California laws like the Warranty of Habitability.
This means your landlord must provide housing that is safe, sanitary, and free from serious defects and hazards like lack of utilities, pest infestations, water leaks, mold growth, structural damage and more.
When these types of major issues are allowed to persist unchecked and uncorrected, the rental unit becomes legally uninhabitable – subjecting you to dangerous living conditions.
There are numerous housing code violations and severe defects that can potentially render an apartment uninhabitable under the laws, including:
Examples could include having no running water or heat for several days, large areas of toxic black mold growth, a severe rodent infestation throughout the unit, a collapsing ceiling or holes in floors from structural damage, broken windows allowing rain/wind inside, plumbing backups of sewage, or exposed electrical wiring.
Landlords have a legal responsibility to correct these types of uninhabitable conditions.
When landlords are properly notified of serious habitability violations yet fail to take adequate steps to remedy them within a reasonable time period (typically 30 days), tenants then have the following rights under California law:
An experienced uninhabitable apartment lawyer like Arie Shamuilian can evaluate your case, document all defects and hazards, advise you of your rights, and pursue legal remedies against the negligent landlord.
This could include sending demand notices, negotiating settlements, filing lawsuits, and representing you in court if needed.
Don’t keep subjecting yourself to unlivable and potentially unsafe housing conditions.
If you are an Upland resident trapped in an uninhabitable rental unit, call 951-944-2292 for a free, confidential consultation on your legal options.