As a tenant, you place a reasonable amount of trust in your landlord to maintain your rental property in a safe, hazard-free condition fit for habitation.
When landlords fail to uphold that duty of care by allowing dangerous conditions to persist unchecked, they can be held liable for injuries suffered by tenants as a result.
If you or someone you love was injured on your Victorville rental property due to your landlord’s negligence, you may have grounds to pursue compensation with the help of a landlord tenant injury lawyer.
There are various ways that a landlord’s failure to properly maintain rental premises can create unsafe conditions leading to tenant injuries, such as:
The consequences of a landlord providing unsafe rental housing can have severe ramifications, leaving tenants vulnerable to:
If you were injured due to your landlord’s failure to maintain safe rental property conditions, you may be able to recover compensation for:
With years of experience in landlord tenant injury, Attorney Arie Shamuilian will investigate to establish your landlord’s negligence, document your injuries/damages and fight to recover the full compensation you deserve.
Call 951-944-2292 today to schedule a free case review in Victorville.